Relationship Rescue (Part 2)

1 02 2010

There was a “thing” going around in my area of the Facebook universe last week. You were supposed to change your profile pic to a famous person that you look like. It sounded like a perfect way to ruin a day – I mean, do I really need 50 people posting “You’ve GOT to be kidding!” on my wall after I change my picture to one of Wonder Woman?  Not really, so I didn’t bother.   But, oddly enough, I did notice that the same topic of look-a-likes was raised in the book of Genesis.

Jacob and Esau are traveling toward each other after years of separation caused by relational conflict.  Jacob sends a gift ahead of him to Esau.   He expresses his hope that Esau will receive the gift and forgive him, but he is incredibly  fearful that Esau is coming toward him to seek revenge.

Chapter 33 is the climax to the story, they see each other, Jacob is filled with trepidation and uncertainty, but Esau runs to embrace him, telling him that no gift is necessary and then we read this breathtaking verse 10.   Jacob says to Esau, “I have seen your face, and it is like seeing God’s face, since you have accepted me.”  What an amazing and beautiful thing to have said of you – that you look like God.

Paul articulates the same thought in his 2nd letter to the Corinthians, chapter 3, verse 18; “We all, with unveiled faces, are reflecting the glory of the Lord…”

We’ve all been wronged by others.  Maybe they did something that was unintentionally hurtful, or maybe what they did was so on purpose that it seemed like they were following a written plan on destroying your relationship.   Whatever the cause of the rift in the relationship, we see in Esau’s response to Jacob a pattern to follow when moving toward reconciliation.  Not a response of recrimination.  No demand for restitution.  But simple acceptance.

Would that my response toward others, those who are fearful, who are coming back toward home; those who have done wrong; even when it’s been directed at me; would be a response of such acceptance that they would say that I remind them of God.